
Blair Witch Bunker Lock Code | How to solve the truck fuse puzzle - shaffercohned

The bunker lock is the first you'll showdown in Blair Witch . Not long into the game, you'll feel a creepy-crawly sand trap. After you descend the steps, you'll reach a room access with a padlock. The code seems bad straightforward, only IT's still too complicated to brute pull it without spending 30 minutes stressful different combinations. As luck would have it, the codes non too hard to find, even if IT's not in the immediate vicinity. Instead, you'll have to solve a puzzle involving a truck fuse box before you can latch on.

How to find the code for the bunker lock in Blair Hag

If you're look about the bunker for the code to unlock the door, you're non going to find IT. Though it seems ilk this would be the obvious place to go next, you in reality don't even need to go into the bunker to complete the halting. It's wholly optional.

To get the cipher for the bunker door in Blair Witch, you'll need to head in the opponent steering. Formerly you go forth of the bunker, you tail head through and through the ravine, and you'll eventually come crossways the Sheriff's truck.

How to solve the hand truck fuse puzzle and turn the lights on in Blair Witch

Blair Witch Truck Puzzle Keys

The objective here is to get the lights to turn on. Unfortunately, it's not as impressionable as just hopping in and flipping the swap.

Blair Witch Truck Puzzle Battery

First, you'll need the keys to unlock the truck. You can have Bullet search the area, and he'll find them beautiful promptly. When you start in the vehicle, you'll find the starter isn't acquiring power. You'll need to pappa the hood via the prize dear the floorboard, past reconnect the battery.

Once you return in and start the hand truck, the lights will draw near for a consequence only for a fuse to blow. Sol then you'll need to go over the paper above the baseball glove compartment, then open the conflate package come near the floorboard. This puzzle isn't al dente to solve. You'll see that of the two Front Light fuses, #7 and #9, #7 is blown. So, you'll need to swap a 20 Amp or higher fuse from single of the different systems to make the lights come on.

Blair Witch Truck Puzzle Fuse Box

You commode't just bring up any fuse though. It has to embody same that is linked to a not-essential procedure. Of the fuses unexhausted, #6 (Cigar Lighter), #9 (Battlefront Light), and #10 (Instrument Ascendance Module) fire handle 20 Amps or high. You need the other Frontal Light to function As well, so victimisation that one won't work, and you require the Instrument Control Module to stay functional as well. Fortunately, you assume't need the cigar lighter to work.

Swop the fuse from #6 to #7 to repower the second presence illume. Flip on the light switch warm the steering column and boom; there'll be pure.

Happening a side note, I'm non sure if the Instrument Control Module fuse will work here. Since it's a 25 Amp fuse, it would be possible to use it temporarily to power the frontal light circuit in real life. I used the cigar lighter fuse since it's the obvious quality, but there English hawthorn make up to a higher degree one root to this puzzle.

In short, the steps to full-scale the hand truck puzzler are:

  • Have Fastball find the keys by devising him research.
  • Open the truck and hear and start it.
  • Belt down the hood and reconnect the battery.
  • Render to pop the truck again.
  • Move blend #6 to replace immix #7.
  • Bulge the truck.
  • Flip the light switch.

How to unlock the bunker with the codification in Blair Hag

Blair Witch Truck Puzzle Battery

Once you've solved the truck puzzle, you'll go a schoolbook from an unknown number giving you "The Prize." This prize is the code to unlock the bunker room access. The code is:

  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2

Blair Witch Bunker Lock Code

Now you can return to the bunker and use the codification on the padlock. This curl is a bit different than a standard combo or key lock. Each of the four positions has a little lever you can motility. To unlock this lock and gain access to the bunker in Blair Witch:

  • Act upon the first lever to the forward slot.
  • Leave the second jimmy in the freshman slot.
  • Leave the third lever in the first one-armed bandit.
  • Move on the fourth lever to the second slot.

After you move the fourth lever into position, the whorl will be sprung, and you can finally gain access to the bunker.


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