
How To Increase Testosterone Levels In Females

Normal Testosterone and Estrogen Levels in Women

Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Robinson, MD on November xix, 2022

Information technology may surprise y'all to know that men don't have a monopoly on testosterone. Testosterone belongs to a course of male person hormones called androgens. Merely women also have testosterone.

The ovaries produce both testosterone and estrogen. Relatively small quantities of testosterone are released into your bloodstream by the ovaries and adrenal glands. In improver to existence produced by the ovaries, estrogen is also produced by the body'due south fat tissue. These sexual practice hormones are involved in the growth, maintenance, and repair of reproductive tissues. But that'south not all. They also influence other body tissues and bone mass.

What are hormones?

A hormone is a chemical substance. It's secreted by one tissue and travels by way of torso fluids to affect some other tissue in your trunk. In essence, hormones are "chemical messengers." Many hormones, especially those affecting growth and behavior, are significant to both men and women.

The corporeality and levels of hormones change daily. The sex hormones, estrogen and testosterone, are secreted in short bursts -- pulses -- which vary from 60 minutes to hour and even minute to minute. Hormone release varies betwixt night and day and from one phase of the menstrual cycle to some other.

What is estrogen?

Estrogen is an entire grade of related hormones that includes estriol, estradiol, and estrone.

Estriol is made from the placenta. It'due south produced during pregnancy.

Estradiol is the primary sexual practice hormone of childbearing women. Information technology is formed from developing ovarian follicles. Estradiol is responsible for female characteristics and sexual performance. Too, estradiol is of import to women's bone health. Estradiol contributes to near gynecologic problems, including endometriosis and fibroids and even female cancers.

Estrone is widespread throughout the torso. It is the main estrogen present subsequently menopause.

Why do estrogen levels fall?

There are many reasons why estrogen levels fall, including:

  • Hypogonadism
  • Hypopituitarism
  • Pregnancy failure (estriol)
  • Perimenopause and menopause (estradiol)
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Anorexia nervosa (eating disorder)
  • Farthermost exercise or training

Drugs that block estrogen include clomiphene, which  tricks the body into thinking it has decreased levels of estrogen. Also, women experience low levels of estrogen immediately after childbirth and also during breastfeeding.

Why are athletes at risk for low levels of estrogen?

Women with low body fat oftentimes do non produce sufficient amounts of sex hormones. This can be a problem for women such as athletes, models, and gymnasts. It tin can likewise be a trouble for women with eating disorders. These women can feel a abeyance of menstruation, known as amenorrhea. They may likewise develop osteoporosis -- thin bones -- and fractures likewise as other conditions more common in older women afterward menopause.

Exercise estrogen levels fall at menopause?

Yep. Estrogen levels autumn at menopause. This is a natural transition for all women between ages 40 and 55. The decline in estrogen can happen abruptly in younger women whose ovaries are removed, resulting in so-called surgical menopause.

Perimenopause is the period of transition before menopause. The first natural refuse in estrogen levels starts during this phase. Other physiological changes likewise first. Women going through perimenopause may feel weight proceeds along with other menopause symptoms. For instance, at that place may be irregular menstrual periods, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness.

On average, menopause occurs at historic period 51. When it does, a woman's body produces less estrogen and progesterone. The drop of estrogen levels at menopause can crusade uncomfortable symptoms, including:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness or itching
  • Loss of libido or sex drive

Some women feel moodiness. That may or may non exist related to the loss of estrogen. Lower levels of estrogen may too increase a woman'southward run a risk for heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis and fractures.

Why do estrogen levels rise?

During puberty, it's normal for levels of estrogen to rising. That'southward because this hormone fuels changes in a young girl's body. For example, it plays a role in the development of breasts, a more mature curved figure, fuller hips, and pubic and underarm hair.

In addition, high levels of estrogen are seen in women who are extremely overweight. Estrogen levels ascension during a healthy pregnancy, and increased estrogen levels may exist seen with tumors of the ovaries, testes, or adrenal glands.

Some drugs, such as steroid medications, ampicillin, estrogen-containing drugs, phenothiazines, and tetracyclines can increment estrogen levels.

What happens when testosterone levels rise or fall?

If your body produces also much testosterone, you lot may accept irregular or absent menstrual periods. You may besides accept more trunk pilus than the average woman. Some women with loftier testosterone levels develop frontal balding. Other possible furnishings include acne, an enlarged clitoris, increased musculus mass, and deepening of voice.

Loftier levels of testosterone tin can also lead to infertility and are commonly seen in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is an endocrine condition that is sometimes seen in women of childbearing age who accept difficulty getting pregnant. Women with PCOS have symptoms similar to those produced past high testosterone levels. They include:

  • Obesity
  • An apple-shaped trunk
  • Excessive or thinning hair
  • Acne
  • Menstrual irregularity

PCOS is associated with:

  • Higher levels of circulating male person hormones
  • Insulin resistance
  • Saccharide intolerance -- weather condition that make you lot prone to gaining weight
  • Low levels of HDL -- ''good'' -- cholesterol
  • Elevated triglycerides
  • Loftier LDL -- ''bad'' -- cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • High claret pressure

Equally women with PCOS age, the presence of these hazard factors increases their risk for heart illness.

At menopause, women experience a turn down in testosterone. That decline may be correlated to a reduced libido. Some findings point that testosterone replacement therapy may benefit sexual function in sure perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. Testosterone replacement is unadvised in women with breast or uterine cancer. It also may increase the chances of cardiovascular illness or liver disease. So, experts are cautious nigh recommendations.

How do I know if my hormone levels are too loftier or also depression?

Your physician can practice a concrete examination and assess your health situation and symptoms to determine if further laboratory tests are needed to bank check hormone levels. Those tests may be of import if you have a wellness condition such equally PCOS or have stopped menstruating because of excessive athletic training or anorexia nervosa. If the tests testify abnormal levels of hormones, your doctor can prescribe effective handling.

How To Increase Testosterone Levels In Females,


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