
How To Extract Data From Excel Cell

Excel Text with Formula

Excel Text Formula (Table of Content)

  • Introduction to Excel Text with Formula
  • Methods to Apply Excel Text with Formula

Introduction to Excel Text with Formula

Often, we need to extract some function of the text from a cell value and that too dynamically. This might be a case where nosotros demand to extract only the first name from the complete names of the pupil or only the surname from the educatee's total name. Or this may happen in the instance where we need the day proper noun from a appointment.

By using this inbuilt function of excel, nosotros can really extract the defined characters from the text of another cell. Functions such equally MID, TEXT, LEFT, and RIGHT tin excerpt the text from some other cell.

Methods to Employ Excel Text with Formula

Excel Text Formula is used to convert numbers to text in an excel sheet; allow's look at a few methods.

Method #1 – Using the MID Function

The offset step volition be to decide whether nosotros demand to extract the text dynamically or we just demand a static count of characters.

How to Use Excel Text with Formula 1.1

The next step volition be to insert the formula if need to excerpt the static count of characters.

=MID(A2,1,SEARCH(" ",A2,1)-1)

A2 will be the location of the cell from where the text has to be extracted. 1 is the starting signal from the text that has to be extracted. The search role volition lookup the occurrence of "Space" in text and will return the location of "Infinite".

In this mode, the text is extracted only till the "Space".

How to Use Excel Text with Formula 1.2

Method #2 – Using the LEFT Office

The beginning pace will be to identify whether we demand the characters from the left of the text or the right of the cell. If we need the characters from the left, and then only we need to use this office. Now we demand to use the below function of LEFT.


The text will be the prison cell from where the text has to be extracted. Num_chars will the character count that needs to be extracted.

How to Use Excel Text with Formula 1.3

Method #three – Using TEXT Function

Using this function, we can convert any value to text; if we have a numeric value in a cell and we need that value as TEXT, so we tin actually use this function. First, nosotros need to know in which format we need to extract the text.

Now nosotros need to blueprint the text formula.

=text (Text, format)

  • TEXT= the location of the cell from where the Text has to be extracted.
  • Format= defining the format in which we demand the text.

How to Use Excel Text with Formula 1.4

Method #iv – Using Correct Function

This office can be used if in instance nosotros need to extract the text starting from the correct of the jail cell. We need to utilise the below function to extract the text starting from the correct of a jail cell.


The text will be the cell from where the text has to be extracted.

Num_chars will the graphic symbol count that needs to be extracted.

Now we need to enter this formula in the cell, and the characters from the Correct of the prison cell volition exist extracted.

How to Use Excel Text with Formula 1.5

Illustrations to Excerpt Text Using Formula

Now let'southward look at a few practical examples on how to excerpt the text using formulas in excel.

You lot can download this Excel Text with Formula Template hither – Excel Text with Formula Template

Analogy #ane – Extracting Text past using MID Function

By using the MID function, we tin get the desired TEXT with this formula.

Excel Text with Formula example 1.1

Illustration #two – Extracting Text by using the Function TEXT

ETF example 1.2

Illustration #3 – Extracting the Text by using the LEFT Function

ETF example 1.3

Illustration #4 – Extracting Text past using Right Function

ETF example 1.4

Things to Recollect

  • The characters that are extracted with the assistance of the higher up functions will be formatted as text, even if the values are extracted.
  • Using the TEXT function, nosotros can get the dates in the desired function, but this should be remembered that the extracted dates volition be TEXT and not a appointment to excel. For formatting the text as dates, we and so demand to use a delimiter.
  • The function of LEFT and MID is the same if we are extracting the same count of characters as both the functions extracts from the left of the prison cell.
  • If the character counts that need to be extracted are non stagnant, then we need to use the function of SEARCH inside the part of MID to brand the MID function every bit dynamic.

Recommended Articles

This is a guide to Excel Text with Formula. Here nosotros hash out How to Utilise Excel Text with Formula in Excel along with examples and a downloadable excel template. Y'all may likewise look at the following articles to acquire more –

  1. Formatting Text in Excel
  2. Text Formula in Excel?
  3. Count Cells with Text in Excel?
  4. Compare Text in Excel


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