
Why wasn't Hollow Knight Silksong at the Nintendo Indie World showcase?

Fans hoped that Hollow Knight: Silksong would be shown at today'southward Nintendo Indie World showcase. Team Cherry hasn't given players any solid news on the games' development since late 2019, and it'due south been over 2 years since Silksong was announced. As one of the Switch's highest-profile upcoming indies, players are wondering why there's been such a long silence.

Is Hollow Knight: Silksong canceled?

Hollow Knight Silksong Nintendo Indie Showcase

Hollow Knight: Silksong might non have been shown at the latest Nintendo Indie Showcase, simply that doesn't mean it's canceled. Team Cherry has been largely silent about the game, simply the studio's Twitter is yet semi-active, and Edge magazine featured an exclusive look at Silksong in December 2020. And so, the game is almost unquestionably still in evolution.

More likely, Hollow Knight: Silksong's evolution has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire manufacture, from small-scale teams to giant conglomerates, has seen disruptions over the last year. While Team Ruddy hasn't commented on how the pandemic influenced Silksong's development, it'due south likely part of the reason why nosotros've heard and then little almost the game over the concluding year.

While nosotros tin can but speculate at why Hollow Knight: Silksong wasn't at today'southward Nintendo Indie World showcase, information technology'due south probably a combination of things. For i, Silksong is anticipated enough that the studio volition probable hold off on another reveal until closer to launch. At that place's no demand to drum up involvement. Additionally, Hollow Knight is popular enough that Nintendo might want to wait until a proper Nintendo Directly to give information technology the spotlight. If we had to guess, we'd think that the next time we see Silksong, Nintendo'll give it an extended preview.

As of at present, in that location's no release engagement set for Hollow Knight: Silksong. The original game was Kickstarted in November 2014 and didn't release until Feb 2017, so there may be a while left to become in Silkson's development bicycle. We'll leave on a limb, and guess we'll encounter more than about the game former in 2021, though.


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